10.5 Meter Kahajaya Marine
2018 10.5 Meter Kahajaya Marine cuddy cabin, powered by Twin 2018 Suzuki 250 hp four stroke engines. This boat has been designed as a wave chasing machine. Comfortable and safe at sea, she can access waves far and near with a huge fuel capacity. All the safety gear on board GPS, Radio, EPIRB, Lifejackets and more.
5.5 Meter Kahajaya Marine
5.5 Meter Kahajaya Marine centre console, Suzuki 90 hp Four Stroke outboard, hardtop sun cover and access ladder. This a great little boat for running around the local breaks of Western Sipura. This is also a good boat for trawling for pelagic fish while having a lazy beer.
Achilles Rubber Duck
4 Meter Achilles Rubber Duck with Yamaha 25 hp outboard. Primarily used for snorkelling and diving. The Duck is another good back up boat for access to local breaks or a quick trip into town.